GaETC 2021 - Atlanta, GA

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What is Mastery of Assistive Technology and How Do We Measure It?

Georgia Educational Technology Conference (GaETC) 2021

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Learning Objectives
1. Participants will identify at least one unique feature the Delphi Research method.
2. Participants will list at least three (3) indicators or predictors of being a “power user” of Assistive Technology.
3. Participants will assess their own level of mastery of AT with regard to some AT tool.

Ben Satterfield, Ed.D., Tools for Life | Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation | Georgia Tech
Bruce Walker, Ph.D., School of Psychology & School of Interactive Computing | Georgia Tech
Karen Milchus, M.S., Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation | Georgia Tech

Resources for You!


Satterfield, B., Walker, B., and Milchus, K. (2021). What is Mastery of Assistive Technology and How Do We Measure It?. Presented at 2021 Georgia Educational Technology Conference, Atlanta, GA. 2021.